If the cancellation is after your product has been shipped & delivered In such cases myBageecha reserves the right to reject cancellation of the order. Consequently, customer may not be able to verify that the order has been shipped prior to requesting cancellation. Please note that there will be delay between actual shipping of order and updating the shipping status information on the Website. The actual shipping and handling charges for cancellation of shipped orders will be recovered from the customer and the amount will be settled in the refund amount due. If your product has been shipped and is yet to be delivered, please do not accept delivery which will make your order return to us.If you cancel your order before your Plants / Products has shipped, you can choose to have the entire amount refunded or get a myBageecha voucher.If unfortunately you have to cancel an order, please do so before your order has been processed. We at believe in helping our customers as much as possible, and has therefore we present a liberal cancellation policy. It is an excellent plant for garden rockery settings, desert type landscapes, patios and botanical gardens Make sure not to overwater them, which can cause rot.Ĭomplementing their water with a diluted liquid fertilizer once every few weeks during the growing season will help: use a balanced fertilizer like a 20-20-20.

Weekly watering should be sufficient for their water needs: they need a solid supply of water during the summer.

Pilosocereus plants like a dry soil with some organic material, and good drainage is essential. Like most cacti, plenty of sunshine will keep this cacti more than happy. Flowers are seen only in large, mature specimen at least 1 m tall. The flowers open at night in summer and continue the day after. Their flowers are shaped like tubes and also often blue, and they grow fleshy fruits. This area of the cactus is where the flowers pop out. The floriferous areole are usually located on one or more ribs near the apical part of the branches and produce thick, soft tufts of orange / white hair (sort-of like that seen in 'old man cacti' Cephalocereus senilis). This is one of the bluest columnar cacti. Its elegant habit (shape) makes it look like a miniature blue Saguaro. The fertile portion of Blue cactus is often slightly differentiated from normal vegetative parts. Pilosocereus cacti are mostly shrubby or columnar tree-like cereus 1 to 10 (or more) m tall.